Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)

Nonton Film Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) HD 720 Sub IndonesiaTahun keempat Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) di Hogwarts akan segera dimulai dan dia menikmati liburan musim panas bersama teman-temannya.

Mereka mendapatkan tiket ke Final Piala Dunia Quidditch, tetapi setelah pertandingan berakhir, orang-orang yang berpakaian seperti Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes ') milik Lord Voldemort membakar semua tenda pengunjung,

ditambah dengan penampilan simbol Voldemort. , "Tanda Gelap" di langit, yang menyebabkan kegilaan melintasi komunitas sihir. Pada tahun yang sama,
Hogwarts menjadi tuan rumah "The Triwizard Tournament", turnamen ajaib antara tiga sekolah sihir yang terkenal: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, dan Durmstrang.

Para kontestan harus berusia di atas tujuh belas tahun, dan dipilih oleh objek ajaib yang disebut "Piala Api".

Namun pada malam seleksi, piala tersebut mengeluarkan empat nama alih-alih tiga nama biasa, tanpa disadari Harry terpilih sebagai Juara Keempat.

Karena sihirnya tidak bisa dibalik, Harry terpaksa pergi bersamanya dan berani tiga kali ... Ditulis oleh Soumitra

Harry's (Daniel Radcliffe's) fourth year at Hogwarts is about to start and he is enjoying the summer vacation with his friends.

They get the tickets to The Quidditch World Cup Final, but after the match is over, people dressed like Lord Voldemort's (Ralph Fiennes') "Death Eaters" set a fire to all of the visitors' tents,

coupled with the appearance of Voldemort's symbol, the "Dark Mark" in the sky, which causes a frenzy across the magical community.

That same year, Hogwarts is hosting "The Triwizard Tournament", a magical tournament between three well-known schools of magic : Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang.

The contestants have to be above the age of seventeen, and are chosen by a magical object called "The Goblet of Fire".

On the night of selection, however, the Goblet spews out four names instead of the usual three, with Harry unwittingly being selected as the Fourth Champion.

Since the magic cannot be reversed, Harry is forced to go with it and brave three exceedingly ... Written by Soumitra


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